Broadcast your games on LiveChess Cloud

a major new DGT LiveChess release for all DGT e-Boards

Designed and built for modern DGT e-Boards, including the latest DGT Smart Boards.
Send your live games to the cloud, with just one click. Simple, it just works.
Reach any audience and watch the games on tablets, smartphones and desktops.
Watch current live games and previous games in your tournament.

About DGT LiveChess 2

The new DGT LiveChess is a major new release for tournament organizers and individuals. For the first time DGT LiveChess now supports USB, Bluetooth and the new Smart Boards, making tournament setups even more versatile.

  • user friendly interface
  • support for chess 960
  • one click publishing to LiveChess Cloud
  • live export to publish to own website
  • uses HTML5 to visualize game data
  • full persistent chronological record of board activity
  • event reporting on illegal moves, repetition of positions
  • supports PGN and new e-PGN standard
  • available on Windows, macOS and Linux
  • download previously played games from DGT e-Board memory

About LiveChess Cloud

LiveChess Cloud is the perfect companion for DGT LiveChess making it very simple to broadcast your live games to any audience.

Many clubs only run a basic webserver, not capable of handling the highly dynamic load of live chess games. But, with LiveChess Cloud, you can now add such live content to your existing site.

LiveChess Cloud is currenty in beta, free for anyone to explore and use!!! Just add the 'export to LiveChess Cloud' to your tournament output and you are ready to go.